With over 45 years of executive development, family systems work, and long-term recovery experience, we are experts in integrating recovery into all areas of life. We coach clients through developing new behaviors and new results — at home, and in business
Supporting Recovery:
- Design programs to strengthen relational and family vitality.
- Encourage practicing the 12 step recovery process.
- Ensure the client initiates and follows through with treatment recommendations.
- Identify relapse issues to better develop proactive life skills.
- Support faith-based recovery programs.
- Support recovery from grief and loss events that may block deeper relationship intimacy.
- Refer clients to professionals and specialized groups/intensives as needs arise.
Family Support
- Supporting families with virtual structured family meetings, including the person of concern
- Provide in home family education and experiential programs
Living with Passion, Purpose, and Personal Values:
- Facilitate creation of a personal vision
- Establish specific goals and strategies for a life of abundance.
- Determine and minimize barriers that prevent vibrant and dynamic living.
- Encourage and embrace inherent strengths and talents.
Reintegrating Professionals and Leaders:
- Evaluate leaders’ impact on the organization and team effectiveness.
- Utilize comprehensive feedback processes to distinguish between productive and non-productive behaviors.
- Create a growth plan emphasizing a strength-based approach and improving areas of needed development.
- Discover how family dynamics are also a part of the work environment.
- Set key goals and weekly coaching to develop high-functioning leadership skills.